The New Moon, a super moon, the second of this month, is in Aquarius ruled by the gas giant Uranus. Uranus means change, it means originality, it means shaking up the status quo and by Jove there is some shakin' and wake makin' happening. On a side note, speaking of Jove- also known as Jupiter- will be opposing Pluto on the 31st making us all feel a bit bigger in our boots, in a good way of course. This aspect brings to the fore our true authentic ambitions and a sense that we can actually make our dreams happen. Harness this but also be aware that your way might not be the way of anyone else.
Aquarius challenges us to be the individuals we are. Our You-niqueness is being called to the front of the cosmic class room. We are being given a big opportunity to be the stars of our own shows, of our own lives. Use this time wisely remembering to allow others to do life their way too. No wrongs, no rights.
A New Moon is in truth, the darkest of times in the night sky. Today is when there is in fact no moon visible. The toenail sliver we associate with a New Moon means it is already a day or so old. It is in the fecund darkness that new life is conceived and there are other intense energies of conception to support this fertile and very feminine time.
The previous few weeks have been shooting at us, (especially women), arrows of irritability at best, or anger at its most potent. Stuff that has been lying at the bottom of the barrel has been undergoing a bit of shake up. Dregs are being resurrected.
Have you felt like life doesn't 'fit' you quite right at the moment? Are you living on your last nerve but unable to have that full blown break down, row or tantrum to purge and make you feel better? Do you have that 'twitchy' feeling all over? Unable to rest fully to recuperate? Is food not doing it for you much? Does the usual salve of a little glass of wine to soothe not work or appeal even? Have you experienced feeling that you just cant deal with the dynamics you used to see as either a challenge of growth or just part of life? Do those common- all- garden circumstances, conversations, situations, people, paradigms just make you all of a sudden want to stab them in the eye?! Does stuff that you have previously dealt with acceptance, compassion or plain resignation not sit right? Does it feel like you have more s*@t to deal with and is this no longer acceptable or tolerable?

Are you finding yourself almost bigoted, intolerant and rather uncouth? Can you not shut up, lie back and think of England or distract yourself from an uprising of bitterness, grief or a sense of loss? Do you feel unappreciated, mute or invisible? And do you feel like you can't even articulate yourself adequately and wish that there was some sort of siphon attached to your very important thoughts that put them out there for all to hear and see without your input?
Its ok we are all in this new ark tossing and turning, lurching and heaving on the galactic seas heading for a brand new realiteeee!
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Are we there yet? |
My understanding of this surge of ungainly rather shameful feelings, is that we are on the cusp of a very huge happening. This happening is, I sense the birthing of a completely new way of interfacing with the Divine Feminine.
Prior to this our femininity, our femaleness, our Yin has always been expressed as an aspect of the masculine. (Hear me out, have patience, this is where I want that siphon to spout out of my head into yours!)
Life as we know it has thus far been expressed, explained and articulated in terms of contrast, through a model of dualism: Men are this and women are that.
Our very femaleness has by virtue of our patriarchal history been an expression of that very same patriarchy thus rendering the divine feminine somewhat amputated and disabled. The 'feminine' present in both sexes, has always been explained as part of the bigger picture which was predominantly masculine. This always gave it a subtle sense of subservience, a sense of incompleteness, a feeling of being forgotten or unnoticed, which has tinted the whole remembered history of humanity with its disatisfactory hue.
Guess what? This is about to change.
For you girls who have given birth do you recall that last bit of labour? (I know amnesia is a handy mechanism provided by mother nature to ensure the continuation of the species but..) that bit when you feel you just can't go on, you can't take anymore pain and frankly you couldn't care less now what happens but you just want to go home and have eggs on toast and a nice hot shower. Hang the baby, they are over rated anyway!
Well we are in that last bit of birthing a whole new paradigm, a whole new way of understanding ourselves, of expressing life itself. Exciting or not?! NOT, I know!! It feels too hard, but we are going to go through with it so lose any last vestiges of resistance (will power is so yesterday) and allow and allow some more. The only way to navigate this surging river of new life is to toss your oars and lie back in the boat letting it go downstream. Release the struggle, the suffering, that which defined our raison d'ĂȘtre, and you automatically birth freedom, birth a new reality; one that is built on foundations of freedom not suffering.
The new 2.0 version of Divine Femininity lives outside our current consciousness. It cannot be 'thought" or explained because the boundaries of our current vocabulary are too awash with language of the departing reality. This brave new world can only be felt which is why 'feelings', negative or positive, have been so high of late. Intellect is also so 'yesterday'. It will keep you tied to the bonds of what I refer to as the old reality. However, both realities will and do, even now, exist simultaneously. Which boat we board is entirely of our own choosing. The true shift comes not from the external, the cosmos, the Universe or the collective but from our own moment by moment decisions and what feelings, what emotions we have around these choices. We may be-lie-ve we are in a communal ark, up that proverbial creek sans paddle, captained by one said 'god', government, religion, educational advantadge or social class but each one of us is always actually opting to stay or go with our chosen flow.
If you have experienced in recent weeks a sense of fogginess, a lack of clarity, forgetfulness or inability to connect to anything much at all, its okaaayy...
If you have succumbed to illness, flu, colds, nagging but not severe coughs, stomach and digestion issues, or aches and pains that make you feel like you are 100 years old, once again, breathe out and relax. Anything where the immune system is functioning below par is spleen dependent and the spleen when not in full thrust results not only in immune impairment but also in a sense of disengagement. In Chinese Medicine a weak spleen energy creates a sense of depression, of not 'feeling', of being disinterested in things that used to excite.
There are mass 'disconnect' phenomena that go in cycles. Flu epidemics are characteristic of this dynamic so rest up, get the chicken soup on the boil and allow the new energy to permeate and help heal you and our oh so lovely planet. It's all good. It's really good. We are merely forging a less co-dependant experience even if it is merely for ourselves.
In the light of that last statement relationships might be undergoing discomfort. Women especially may feel extreme dissatisfaction. There may be a sense that what 'is" is no longer enough. Sex might seem superficial, the way you relate or communicate with your partner might feel unsatisfactory, there is a longing a remembering and there is a wanting for a more technicolour version of everything. You may wonder if you are just a ghost of yourself wafting around invisible and unappreciated. These are all symptoms of the veil thinning around the reality we have been living in for centuries. It's not necessarily that 'they' are inadequate or wrong, but that 'we" as women are literally tapping into the watered down versions of ourselves, finally finding a mirror that reflects back to us, the fact that we might have been living an almost half life without knowing. This can be painful, frustrating and deeply saddening.
Remember that the men in your life have too been part of this truncated, amputated, lacking in wholeness, depleted experience. We have all been co-creators and contributors and there can be no air time given to indignant 'them and us" arguments. Needing space to process this realisation or energy, starting to invite in more independence in line with the new energies can be in order, but seeing yourself as a victim will pull you right back into the old dualistic and disempowering energy of the past that we so need to ditch.
There may be a sensation that feels as though you want to unfurl wings and a frustration in finding that those wings in spite of having kept you apparently aloft for all your previous years are actually clipped or damaged making true flight, that true sense of freedom that is beginning to ruffle some feathers, difficult.
What this means in its truth is that we can't, any of us, fly or move through life as we used to. We have by and large been trained to react to fear, to make survival and compettion the motivational force behind building a way of life. We are now en-courage-d to replace that reactionary energy with one that invokes responding. The Feminine needs to become softer to become stronger not pitch itself against the world as has been the way so far. It needs to seek wholeness and complete independence rather than attempt to build it self up from bricks already in place.
The word responsibility is crucial in this emergent reality. We truly are now piloting a fighter jet all by ourselves (Cue Top Gun anthem). The journey will be so much smoother if we take time to become clearer about our own personal values, our own priorities, as we travel.
The easiest and most powerful way of navigating like this is to ask yourself 'What makes ME feel good?" Not what is good for the collective, or the group, for in repeating this, one merely holds back the evolution of us all.
As one pioneer plucks up the courage to set his GPS to 'feel good", pleasure, ease, joy, abundance and love we all benefit. There is no merit in suffering or keeping oneself down for the sake of others. Not only does this not make logical sense but it contributes via ones' focus to the enlargement and increase of that which we are trying to eliminate or change.
Save yourself and you truly save the world. Sounds selfish? When you truly understand that "oneself" is the collective Self then it is more compassionate and more powerful than any charitable donation you could ever give or campaign against injustice you could run.
So as the energy of this New Moon combined with the barrage of solar flares and sunspots that have been blasting us for a few days bringing upgrades in our DNA,(literally infusing our consciousness with Light) and the final shedding of skin from the Water Snake whilst we gallop into the Chinese year of the Wood Horse, I urge you to breathe in and out deeply. Bring consciousness to your thoughts, be awake to your subsequent actions and fill yourself with deep appreciation for all that you choose to leave behind and all that is offered on the cosmic meze plate of life. It is a veritable feast, I promise, when you choose from love.