Before all you cynics and Hallmark haters walk away, yes I will talk about love, I always do, but as usual it will be from the inside out, from the bigger, deeper and wider picture. This won't be the chocolate box version of corny cupids' story.
I find it no accident that this much maligned, often saccharine sweet day that gives many of us toothache and indigestion, brings us a magnificent Full Moon this year. Timely.
Today's Full Moon sits in the sweeping savannah of the regal, "look at me, love me, aren't I just grand" constellation Leo. Its' full- fat, feline face flanked by its luminescent, auric mane, is lit up by the freedom seeking, individualist, care if you dare, Aquarius Sun.
What a lovely Moon to have for February 14th 2014. So what energies, what enlightened enquiry does our Leo Moon bring to this day of love, roses and cupcakes?
The lion symbolises supreme self love. He sits gazing proudly upon his pride, upon his 'accomplishments' , or lack of them, (we all know he is quite a lazy bugger) without so much of a tinge of guilty conscience. The only guilt he ever accepts is gilt. He knows without thinking that he IS gold, that he is enough and therefore he also has a heart of gold; the ever proud lover of his Pride, excited by their mere existence.
Leo loves himself without reservation and finds it annoying that the rest of us don't know how. This can be interpreted by us cup-not-so-full mortals as arrogance. I mean who sits up high on a self built podium without feeling the need to justify his existence or lift a royal claw?
This Full Moon is so infused with love of all kinds. It calls us to take a breath, sit back (preferably on a hillock of some kind) and bask in our own glory. It begs us to not to tell people about suffering but instead to remind them they are free (Aquarius). It's time to feel "full' of ourselves, to have the courage (Leo) to be our biggest fans without reservation, to feel the energy of entitlement, of wonder and awe for ourselves. It is the aristocrat of moons. A time to eat cake, preferably chocolate and ditch the pious diet of stale bread or humble pie.
The Leo flame of self adoration and the whole of his life (Pride) is consistent, loyal and as pure as 24 carat gold. It truly comes from his big heart. Add to this the illuminating Aquarian Sun that taunts us to set ourselves free, pushes us to attach ourselves fully to our individuality, our YOU-nique expression of Selfhood and you have a likely outpouring of chocolate box emotions for the wonderful that is You.
"As above, so below."
The current cosmic configurations are a call from deep space, that place beyond deep, inside our hearts, that reminds us of the laws of Unity Consciousness, the Law of One.

Leo Full Moon energy highlights these these Laws. As you set yourself free, as you dare (very Aquarian/Uranian energy) to dream of what you would really do if you had the courage (Leo lion heart) to set in motion a life path that was more free, then you, in doing so, begin to set the whole of humanity free. It's not rocket science, or mushy gushy romantic idealism its actually just quantum physics.
Pardon the pun but todays moon is an Armstrong Moon. One brave step into this Moon's calling is a giant leap for Mankind!
"The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall" R.L Stevenson.
Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are in direct opposition, where the Sun shines his torch on her big round face so he can see just who she is, what she wants for (us)today. Whist the Full Moon is largely associated with the feminine, the feeling, the emotional life within, it is actually also an opportunity to learn how to use the complementary Masculine energy from the Sun sign one is in, and combine it with the Feminine vibrations of the sign the Moon is hanging out in.
Full Moons are a time where the divine aspects of both the Feminine and Masculine are literally shining and reflecting to us at their fullest and most radiant, illuminating the beauty, wisdom and talents of both. This sacred cosmic marriage gives opportunity to birth more of our own wholeness, allows us to dip into a greater sense of completness.
"Though I dream in vain
In my heart it will remain
My stardust melody
The memory of love's refrain." Hoagy Charmicheal - Stardust.

Daring to love our Self fully is not selfishness but merely a sign to drop all disguises, all masks to our own truth, our own authenticity. We carry around a hefty amount of fakeness due to the fact that we have been conditioned from the moment we were born, to respond to the outer world, the external, rather than to take cues from our internal guidance system which would always tell us, if we'd listen, that we are more than magic; made of stardust are We.
Todays' wisdom lies in dropping all external 'coverings" (this is where the word mooning comes from!) so that your true 'light' can shine. It is a good time to embrace full self acceptance warts and all. There are no deficits or need to make changes. In the light of unity consciousness there are no 'good' or 'bad' parts of us, we just ARE who we ARE and who we are is already whole. How
To set your self free by loving all that there IS about you is the ultimate version of Love. The best Valentine's gift you can give yourself. Once you afford yourself this upgraded version of love it becomes more than easy to offer the same to others. Bingo! Utopia! Everybody's happy.
Do you see what I see? Reframing.
Interestingly though not surprising, is that right now, we also have Mercury in Retrograde; the chance to review our past. Mercury Retrograde is sometimes seen as pain in the bum because it seems to cause delays or glitches or repeat episodes of scenarios we are sick of. What his apparent backward movement actually does, is give rise to a kind of meditation, an inner stalling so we can see in slow-mo "stuffs" gone by. Its a great window to clamber into the powerful art of re-framing. Any energies vibrating in the frequency of duality that you still lug around, that still influence and colour perceptions about decisions or circumstances you might have been through, are ready for dumping. The garbage man will be around for a few more days. Get a few bin bags or even a skip and get rid of it now!
If you are feeling antsy, irritable, unheard, awkward, hurt or angry at the moment. If you seem to be dredging old wounds with stinging, intellectual antiseptics, its time to let go and reframe. It's opportune to don those rose coloured spectacles that everyone told you were useless and offer yourself a revised version of the incident/feeling/circumstance that allows you to bask in the glow of your own glory, in your true humanity. There are no mistakes only learning experiences. Really, its time to kiss it all better, love yourself up and carry on. The giant heart of the King of the Beasts is here to help you swell that self love and admiration.
Our hearts and our world will benefit from this unreserved,
You may have noticed an increase of posts and sharing of information regarding cruelty to our magnificent animal kingdom. Calls to provide unconditional love and homes for animals in shelter, outrage at beyond belief shark cullings, whale hunting and everything in between.
Where is this increased compassion and fierce passion coming from? Yep you got it- that boring old thing called self love. Sorry! True power without ego comes from within, from filling that pot (belly) of self love I annoyingly keep banging on about. This is where momentum picks up and facilitates a more appreciative, connected, and wise planetary experience.
It's time to dissolve the barriers to the beauty of who we are. It's time to amplify our courage to speak up (Mercury) with love (Leo) and dare to bust out of this no longer tenable, inhumane system, to flow into our divine right to freedom and appreciation.(Aquarius/Leo). Atrocities of the past (retrograde) and present can no longer be muted or dismissed. We are here and we will roar! (coz we love ourselves enough finally?).
The focus for this Full Moon is to concentrate of the things that feel good; that unite us rather than divide us. Just as Epigentics (google Bruce Lipton) has proved how loving a damaged, sick cell can be healed through offering it compassion, love and visualising it "well", holding awareness and becoming an awake, conscious, truly effective co-creator does not involve coming together in anger or indignation. It is not served best by highlighting horror or illuminating tragedy. We become more powerful to manifest a more equable existence by rallying together in love rather than in hate, by bringing focus to the miracle that we are, the power that we are, rather than homing in on our deficits or those of the world.
So Happy Valentine's Day! Love this day for what it is, what it brings into focus. Enjoy your chocolates, your cards, your cheesy poems and tokenistic red roses. It is indeed a day to drop into love, give in, roll over and receive. Dive deep, go beneath the commercial, consumerist surface in a soul-full, powerful way and love us all into wholeness, into wellness.
May your love for self be as full as this regal Moon.
Shine on!
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