The current energies are bringing home how inevitable and indeed powerful change as a force is. There is just no way that you will be left standing if you attempt to hold change at arms length. It's here, and it's here with a vengeance like never before
It's not that we haven't been as affected by change before. I mean it's always happening to us, to our bodies, to our minds, to our circumstances and of course consistently in nature. Change is part of the cycle of growth, without it we'd not only implode but we'd feel stymied. It's an integral part of freedom; that which we were born to reach for.
If you are alive at this time, it is clear that you signed up to experience and be part of, a huge shift in human evolution; probably the greatest morphing in all of human history for we are on the brink of bringing in a fully formed new consciousness that is more unified than ever before.
As we travel down the birth canal of this momentous change there is with any birth an increase in the pain and suffering.

Since the Wesak Moon (May 14 2014) the energies of this imminent birth have amped up. Anything that needed to be addressed when it came to resisting the incoming changes might well have been thrown up ( literally vomited) for you to observe and analyse. Any 'indigestible' patterns of behaviour in yourself and those around you may well have risen.
Anything that was not moulded, melded, welded of or to true love, most specifically self love, was/is up for recall.
If the last few months, especially from when Mercury turned retrograde (around June 14 to July 1), were whammy weeks for you its no surprise. Mercury retrograde is our friend, (she says twitching!). The proverbial 'delays', 'frustrations' and 'outages' in our electronic equipment (that includes us too since we are essentially electro-magnectic creatures), the sense of not moving forward or feeling 'stuck, disempowered (again this applies to our physical vehicle too- groan!) are just ways of our higher selves attempting to contact us and remind us that as with all change, a period of integration (read rest; preferably in an induced coma!) is essential for the 'new' to come online, reboot or to update the OS so to speak.

I personally have been unable to write (or speak) a word let alone string a sentence together during this last few weeks, yet today,( the first day of Mercury leaving its retrograde period), I find my fingers winging their way back to the keyboard and my brain seems, after a long hiatus, to be powering up again.
Speaking of brains. If you have had a bit of a problem with forgetfulness; you know that walking into a room and not knowing why you are there? The opening of the fridge to stare at its contents for ages wildly wondering why you opened it in the first place feeling? Or indeed as I have been doing alarmingly regularly, calling someone on the phone and hanging up because I, No. 1 don't know who I have called and No.2 have no idea why I was on the phone in the first place. It's ok you don't need to contact the nearest Alzheimer's Clinic or overdose on fish oils, its not dementia darlings, it's merely the switch off from one power grid to another; the change over mechanism from 3D to 5D.
On a side note for anyone who is undoubtedly truly suffering from dementia like aliments I do not of course jest or make light of this but in metaphysical terms all 'forgetfulness' is related to an inner desire or dynamic that wishes to hook out of the sufferers current world and move on; the wish to detach from the possibly enervating life style, personal circumstances that are perhaps less than shiny, that there seems no way out of other than to literally shut down synapses which, keep them attached to the old and malnourishing.
Anyway, back to our current inner climates.
Essentially the changes that are upon us are rooted in the idea that we are re-visiting so called contracts or agreements that we have been operating under in oblivion for many centuries. It's time to see if they truly support our growth and our truth.
For example its quite strange when you stop and think that every single one of us by and large adheres to the agreement of Time. It is a man made concept that we all 'buy' into. We 'agree' without thought that there are 60 seconds to a minute and 24 hours in a day and we give the nod to the idea of ageing without so much as the batting of an ever increasing wrinkly eyelid. And therefore so it must be because what we think we literally create.
We take on many of these 'agreements' as our own without questioning as to whether they truly support the blossoming or even just the peacefulness of our self.
Now is a time when you may have, or will, enter into situations that throw these invisible contracts into the air for re-appraisal or indeed clearing out. The fine print of these unwritten laws are being magnified, some of them shocking to our upgrading consciousness.
Flare ups with family, an increase in wanting to say 'no' to situations or people which on one hand make you feel liberated yet on the other hand invoke a deep sense of guilt that you have been harbouring and hiding for probably most of your life time(s). The irrational desire to leave a career or job that has and is sustaining you relatively well, the sudden knowing that it's time to end that relationship, ask your kids to move out, tell your parents what really hurt you or to just have this uncontrollable need to break free of something, anything!
In the public arena it's apparent that globally we are in a time of increased awareness of how old, out dated mechanisms such as the current political norms are really not cutting it anymore. I mean they really aren't working anymore.
Essentially democratic processes are losing their initial high minded essence and descending into plain and simple to see examples of the worst elements of duality. Tit for tat responses, forming polices that merely attempt to denigrate the opposition or highlight follies of previous governments are quite simply too dualistic in nature and powerless to be able to achieve anything of worth in the new paradigm we are moving into. We the general public want more.
Religious dogma and cultural traditions are losing ground, are losing their grasp, popularity and efficacy as mechanisms to control or inspire the heart and soul of people all over the world.
For example whilst Pakistan might seem like a hell hole, whilst it might seem like it is a lost cause and not worthy of a second glance (new agers beware your own addiction to 'wrong and right' here) it does provide the perfect petri dish in which to see without any macular impairment, the destruction that duality consciousness fosters. Barbaric killings rooted in an ideology of honour and shame (dualism), ethnic cleansing (no unity consciousness there), and the attitude of super powers that deem themselves superior to such cultures and meddle with local affairs with the mindset that 'we know what's best for you' are all examples of how unworkable a patriarchal and dualistic paradigm now is.
This type of illumination is apparent in many countries, States and mind sets. It's not a 'developed vs underdeveloped' world situation. It can be present in the heart of the most educated and not in that of the illiterate or underprivilaged. The Light shines from those who choose heart, who choose optimism over cleverness.
It is not that there is 'more' of this madness on this precious Earth of ours at the moment, it is merely that we are awakening to, (with the help of celestial energies and an increase of people choosing to get off the wheel of life as we know it), new ways of existing. It is our future to move surely and now rather swiftly away from the harmful, untenable and unsustainable mechanisms of the past, into a more unified and humanitarian future.
So God/ess bless the tragedies and injustices, the cruelty and the violence, the numbskulls and the blockheads of the Now; they are the Light in a thinly veiled disguise. The best, most powerful contribution we can make to alleviate the suffering and nonsense, is to shed multiple skins that have masked our own suffering or secret places of un-(w)holi-ness.
Yup that is where we are at, at the moment. We are burning off more dross, losing density; baggage that has held us in a difficult place for so long. It's a little bit scary, unnerving at best and it may feel like the loss will be too much to bear, or that you won't be able to operate as a normal human being.
Questions and worries will arise.
"How can I not be the daughter/mother my father/child expects/hopes me to be?"
"How can I create boundaries that will I know support my own growth best without hurting an 'other'?"
"How will I support my family if I give up this so called 'good' job?"
"How can I say I don't ascribe my religion and its teachings anymore?"
Fear is the glue that keeps us stuck. Fear is the antithesis of love and love is where we are headed. We can't be in love and fear at the same time, they are energies that are at opposite ends of the spectrum and like oil and water don't mix well at all.
So.. how do we take all of this on board and still stay sane? How do we bridge this time of transition and keep a foot in both worlds without falling off the end of it face first in to the mud?
I'll let you into a little secret. We are already there. It's now merely a matter of each of us choosing which side of the river we will make our new home. There is no end line or time or space when all of life will change for life is not linear.
The change as Gandhi rightly said, is in each of us. Each time we choose a thought that supports the new improved paradigm, we set up a tent on the easier more equable side of the river. Each time we fill ourselves with love, offer kindness, compassion and care to our Self, we infuse a million other beings and situations with the same, for our atoms, our cells, are shared by all of us, by the whole of Life on Earth.
Each time we dare stop and look at the trees, the flower that pushes its way up through the crack in the paving stone we contribute to the peace and ease we and the collective are bound for. Each time we acknowledge as holy as ourselves (for we are God) the bird that sings in the tree or the cow that chews its cud, the homeless on the street or the stone in the sand, we add another brick in the wall we build towards our unity, our joy.
We are on the brink of a momentous move forward into this aspired to New Age and we are being helped by so much, by so many. The more we dissolve the invisible barriers to loving Self and the visible ones that exist in terms of cultures, creeds, countries and religious/spiritual thinking, the more we are able to integrate and literally "earth" this new paradigm.
We are burning off more dross, losing density, baggage that has held us in place for so long. It's a little bit scary, unnerving at best and it may feel like the loss will be too much to bear, or that you won't be able to operate as a normal human being.
So.. suggestions for integration? Rest and more rest if you need. Being busy and earning your place on this earth by being in constant motion is one of our weird examples of being still stuck in the old paradigm. Hook out of the old and into the new. Often this can only be done by stopping by not participating. Get into nature as often as you can, She brings balance to everything and because She is deeply rooted in the energy of change She will always facilitate any changes we are choosing to make. Breathe and breathe some more. Breathing is the primary mechanism to filling ourselves with new energy, with new life; it restores, reboots and literally re-builds new cells and new unexplored neural pathways. It will affect positively any shift you attempt. And lastly slow it down. Slowness allows the body and mind to connect with the heart which is where the power of change lives now. It is not in the mind or the intellect. Our new navigation tool is the feeling life, the emotions for they are our most accurate guidance system; if you don't feel right don't do it and stillness allows you to keep your centre when all is going mad around you.
Change is a coming.. oh Yeah! And we are on a home stretch, ready to don our mortar boards and graduate.. if we dare!
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