The first of a powerful line up of lunar eclipses occurs tomorrow the 26 April 2013. There will be two more before the mid year Solstice. Eclipses bring greater voltage to the charge of change.
This first eclipse combined with a what the Buddhists called a Wesak (enlightened) full moon in Scorpio, brings into our sphere the usual and sometimes dreaded Plutonic energies of transformation through dissolution and penetrating exposition.
Issues around latent and hidden insecurities regarding money, home and relationships; romantic, business and platonic, are illuminated. Along with these anxieties there is a strong presence of the rise of compassion and desire to put this to good use for the collective community.
Our sense of home is literally being shaken up by escalating violence, struggles with finance, or feeling isolated. The world seems to becoming increasingly 'unsafe' and we are being pushed more and more to find our true home which, lies in the centre of our be-ing; our Heart.
For me personally this is indeed true. I have had this past week the ressurection of grief around wishing to move home but feeling thwarted by the financial impossiblity of this and then at the same time I have been more than usual, deeply touched by the sight of real homeless people that pepper the streets of my city; a city that claims to be one of the most prosperous at this point in our history.
Neither my angst over not being able to change my own residence nor the sight of a man sleeping rough have made any sense and I have been awash with both anger and grief.
This is the effect of the current planetary energies amplified by the rising 'awakened' collective. We are in the first phase of re-BIRTH. The contractions are tame to what they will become but we don't know this yet and so the pain is as sharp as it would be upon crowning.
The Full Moon in Scorpio is of course accompained by our central Sun being placed in earthy, pragmatic, designed-for-comfort Taurus so the impulse or push to integrate even more of the opposing energies of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine will also be on the cards.
Maybe you have a feeling of being penalized by society if you are woman or have fostered the traditional role of nurturer and giver, or if you are male whose primary purpose has been to provide and find pragmatic solutions to issues around finance, security, protection and the future you might be feeling suffocation and intense pressure. Both embed a sense of powerlessness.
There is likely a sense of being under the pump, a sudden shot in the arm that jerks you into first anxiety and then into thoughts based in social justice.
Anger, resentment and grief are all emotions that are being called up to be released. The 'feeling" closet of our lives is being opened up, ransacked, dusted and purged of all old gremlins that have had the job of keeping an unhealthy ego and a reality that serves it, alive.
In the 'darkness' of this Lunar Eclipse our eyes are being re-adjusted, re-callibrated. Our pupils dilate letting in sufficient light so we can make known the aspects of ourselves that lurk like monsters in the dusty recesses and dank corners of our minds.
It's a really good time to clear any residual emotional (and real) clutter that no longer serves you. Just like the old pair of shoes you keep simply to remind you of a time gone by but never really wear, its time to release old feelings that no longer serve your evolution.
Anything remotely Scorpio is always about re-birth, about re-construction, but first it must be made known before you torch it. Intense emotions are a sign you are letting go. Tears and tantrums are merely the processing tools. Don't attempt to swallow your feelings. To do so literally brings 'water retention' into play which if not released can affect the health of your 'heart'; the place that now leads us.
WIth grand-daddy structured Saturn travelling through the sign of Scorpio and Darth Vader Pluto weilding its power in Capricorn there is a definite feeling that this is the time, this is the place, where old "architecture" (read establishment) is being bulldozed to the ground. To add flow to the whole process a watery Grand Trine begs us to attune to the needs of mass consciousness with compassion.
To do this it is imperative to anchor ourselves in our hearts for this is where our true home and security lies. With a strong sense of 'home" embedded deep in the centre of our BE-ing-ness the old, outworn carcasses of what we have called 'reality" for centuries can finally be thrown on to the pyre.
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