Past emotional baggage such as old childhood wounds revolving around not being loved, abandonment issues, loss, scarcity and anything that hummed of a lack of self worth were likely poked and prodded by the cool fingers of those lunatic moonbeams. If you didn't at some point, dissolve into tears, consider checking yourself into the nearest nut- house, or just got the feeling that something MUST change over the past few weeks then you were made of more than titanium.
It's a very "watery" year for us with many powerful outer planets in water signs so buy some shares in Kleenex and get yourself a really sturdy umbrella and some wellies. The waves and tides will be high. How we surf and swim with these currents is entirely up to us.
In the wake of that very intense Lunar Eclipse we are brought back from our inner, largely emotional experience of life to a more external place; that place we like to call 'reality". The dive down deep into the inner landscape instigated by the Moon now brings those treasures to the surface for review; for the Sun to dry them out and see them in the cold light of day.
What we took for granted as being practical, infallible or 'truth' may suddenly feel like it's crumbling. Many of our structures that appear noble, wise and realistic will be on the table trembling in their boots like bemused, faithful employees waiting to be fired for no apparent reason.
The Solar Eclipse currently in process (9/10 May 2013) has the potential to illuminate beliefs and habits that we are largely conscious of. It is a time to reconsider the values we have thought served us best. It's a time where we metaphorically throw out old clothes that we think suited us but now seem strangely ugly and outworn. All of a sudden that classic black Chanel dress you thought you would never give away seems old fashioned and unusable.
We cannot create a new situation without turning our backs completely on an old one. The theme for the next few days will be about using our idealism and imagination. The strange thing is that this idealism might seem like it is anything like ideal. This is where the imagination really has to upgrade to its' 2.0 version and be daring and outright bold.
For example if you are dealing with physical issues; illness, poor habits or just knowing that somewhere along the line you and your body could have a better relationship, now is the time to turn all of your previous ideas around how you 'should" achieve your goals on its head.

The planetary influences are here offering you the potential to decide HOW you want to achieve your dreams. What works is what you choose will work.
On a collective level what is seemingly not ideal or defies, common sense is probably what will bring progress and access to a better result. Whether the platform is political, economic or personal, what will work is daring to break out of tried and tested formulas to try something new. Something new that speaks to the heart and gives the mind the heave- ho.
If you suddenly get the urge to cure your physical dilemmas with a daily cupcake rather than stick to a stringent diet or choose to elect a political leader that hasn't inspired your mind but reaches some weird place in your heart, do it! There is something in the air that might just make it all work.
There is a new type of 'mastery" available to us. We have been brainwashed for eons to believe that progress or empowerment comes from direct action. As a society we are addicted to action thinking it is the only way to facilitate change. However this new 'mastery" involves less of the do-ing (thank goodness, aren't we all really tired and worn out?!) and more be-ing, imagining and aligning with ideas that feel more human.
This "easy does it" is not for the faint hearted. It requires intense focus on this alignment process, it involves activating an imagination that has been lying largely dormant for eons, it asks us to really bring forth into our daily lives compassion, consistent gratitude when there might seem very little to be grateful for and mostly it insists that we release all judgement of ourselves and of course others. It begs us to be first of service to ourselves and then from that fuller place we are automatically contributing constructively to the world of others.
The be-LIE-f that we are impotent or helpless in the face of the bigger picture or held back by the 'other" or some external circumstance is being asked to be released. The penny is beginning to drop that we are both the internal and the external in everything; no circumstance is bigger or more powerful than we are. We are catalysts not just for the transformation of our own lives but by virtue of each individual being part of a whole, how we choose to en-vision our selves will undoubtedly affect the wider profile; its just plain physics.
During this Eclipse sandwich ( the next Lunar one is on 25 May) there is the possibility for a lot of physical release (read pain!). On- going aches and pains in muscles, joints and bones, digestive issues, twitches, a sense of foreboding, mild anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness are all just signs that there is a releasing of outworn energies and beliefs.
As the imagined boundaries and illusory notions that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are separate entities are dissolved by our evolving consciousness, our bodies jettison these thoughts physically clearing pathways for new improved dynamics. This is a ritual of purification.
What we focus on we will energise so be vigilant with thought. Eclipses in ancient times were often considered periods of danger. In hindsight what that really means is monitor your thoughts for the veil is thin. The timescale for manifestation is shortened so what you think about you may well magnify fairly quickly.
In light of this, any residue of poor self worth has the potential to rear its ugly medusa like head (well it is the Year of the Snake), not to punish you or prove to you that you are worthless but to shine a light on the nonsensical notion that any one of us has true deficit. Yes, we are all works in progress but that is our most magical beauty for it keeps the door open to our infinite expansion. How dull and boring it would be if there really was an end line. When the cup can never be full it means more drinking time!
The easiest (a must in current energies) way to address the way you see yourself is to ask yourself if your value judgements are truly helpful. They may be mainstream and practical. They may seem tried and tested. They may be deeply rooted in religious or cultural indoctrination but are they helpful? Do they make you feel full and replete? Do they make you feel self loving, compassionate and free? Or do they weigh you down with the list of things to 'do" before you can feel good? If its the latter you are still holding duality, you are still dressing your ego in his finest robes.
It's a really good time to offer yourself and others (when you are ready) unconditional love. Its a good time to really use gratitude as your main App and actively seek out abundance in all things. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money, no primary relationship or an ailing body. This Eclipse gives us the energy and impetus once we start the ball rolling to lift stones and find what at first might seem meaningless things that show us how full and rich our lives really are.
What we seek we always find.
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