Much has been changing and morphing over these past six months its hard to remember what it was like prior to December 2012, that so called watershed that cosmic counsellors have been waxing lyrical about for years.

I personally, never took too much heed of all the hell fire and brimstone theories but in retrospect there is no doubt that much has changed. Some of it has been hitting the proverbial fan, but in essence if you dare to slow down and seek deeply, (as would a mermaid), you will be blown away by the shift.
As I lay flat on the beach soaking in the life force I was blessed with a sky scape of brilliant blue: not a cloud in sight. As the minutes ticked by the odd lonely cloud blew in to view. Within seconds of a cloud appearing in my field of vision it would start to disappear. It was truly magical to watch. My eyes like a camera on time lapse took it all in, marvelling at the speed and ease with which this moist, seemingly dense body of water vapour just melted into nothing. Immediately I felt this same phenomenon begin to operate in my own body and mind. I knew now that nothing that I did not want to hold on to could be dissolved instanteneously.
The world was my cauldron!

There is great alchemy in the air at the moment. Greater than it's ever been. Our lives are the crucible in which we can make any magic happen.
I know we have heard it all before; the power of the Law of Attraction, you are what you eat, what you think about you bring about blah blah, but the potential of these ideas is now greater than it has ever been.
It's like up until now there was some weird almost tangible, physical structure that kept us somewhat at arms length at manifesting our dreams or our desires. There was perhaps an invisible thread that kept us connected to our 'reality". Even in the last six months it still felt like there were training wheels attached to our cosmic bikes kind of keeping us tethered at some level to a world and experience that we knew we wanted to change but it wouldn't let us go completely until we were really desperate and dying.
Nature has a way of being cruel to be kind. Animals toss their babies out of nests and into the dangers of the wild to get them ready for their best selves. However they still tend to keep a watchful eye on their young at first and bat the hell out of them if they don't get it right. This is what it has been like for those who have been tuned in to the change.
Those training wheels are off now and we are free wheeling and wobbling around trying to get in touch with our new found freedom. Its exhilirating and terrifying all at once but rest assured the grid we once lived with, the tracks we once followed have been lifted away leaving us with no road, no yellow bricks or even a gravel path to follow, for we are truly drivers of our own lives. The only thing is we don't really know how to drive now that the Highway Code has been axed. Making decisions for ourselves that hold fast the code of the heart; love, compassion, appreciation, joy and peacefulness is something completely new.
Anyone who carries an energy of being a victim, anyone who chooses to hold on to guilt or a sense of 'justification" is merely operating from the perspective of the rational mind. Our history reveres this view point, it calls it 'reality" it gives it the label of being realistic and intelligent.
The rational mind thinks it knows more than it actually does. We are a work in progress moving between the heart and rational mind and probably profoundly confused and possibly a little scared of giving in fully.
What we think or thought was reality is no longer a collective truth but the rational mind is still engaged and employed in this soon to be archaic way of navigating life and so there is a sense of conflict. We are interns in using this new vantage point of the freedom of choice.
We are in a phase where our birth right of free will are coming out to party. This process is guided by the heart whose connection to Source/God/Self is coming online, in fact we are already serviced with a broadband network via fibre optics... if we choose.
Changes on a personal and collective level will not come through tried and tested means. They will not morph by giving attention to the 'problem or attempting to fix what is broken, for the more we carry the vibration of needing to 'fix" something, whether its our body, the politics of a place, or our partner and children the more food you give to the idea of it being broken.
Transformation now comes from turning away from the dark, from our 'reality" and bringing more focus, more light to appreciation, joy, compassion and love.
There is no longer a real demarkation between inside and out. The boundaries between the perceived two states, like those clouds, are fast dissolving. How fast they dissipate is entirely up to us because in truth there was never anything that really separated us; duality was as fictional as we chose to make it.
The power that we see or saw in others, in institutions, out 'there" in the world, that seemed separate from our own was merely a reflection of what we chose to feel about our own divine majesty.
The sentence 'Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?" holds more truth now than ever so if you want to be state of the art, step right into your heart!
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