A Grand Trine indicates a somewhat easier planetary pattern in comparison to the more intense and challenging times of the May gone by. Since this Grand Trine is the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces we can choose to either passively go with the flow or learn to really paddle our own canoe with the help of the mighty force of the powerful currents that lie below.. or is it above?
Without sufficient consciousness Grand Trines can also be times where we can get complacent, stick to well worn pathways of old habits and fail to move a mere inch in our own personal growth. Learning to navigate a trine is like learning to catch a wave that brings you into shore with minimum effort. Surfing the swell like this does require skill. It incites balance, moving from intellect to instinct, bringing in the energies of Masculine and Feminine whilst keeping one's centre of gravity, the focus, firmly in place.
We have moved into a phase where all the unfolding that happened in the past few weeks can now be gainfully employed. It does require us to really embrace fully the insight of prior weeks gained. It is a time where practical application of new knowledge can bring great things. What it means mostly is the move from limited thinking that you're a novice and need your Cliff's Notes or even a 'tutor", to daring to let go of the side to plunge into uncharted waters.
What was thought to be common sense prior to the triple eclipse has been turned on its head. So many templates for living are being dissolved and dismantled. If you take a moment to sit quietly with yourself you can feel it in your bones that the 'old" ways of being just don't work anymore. It's likely your body literally won't go to places it used to.
The recent protests in Turkey were an example of this new energy that is now in motion. There was that real sense that those who joined in the endeavour to save the last green space in that part of the city just couldn't be complacent or turn the other cheek anymore; the environment could not this time, be compromised in favour of economics. The justifications however noble, sensible or tried and tested as they may seem, are no longer valid.
Wherever this sense of compression is felt, whether it's financial, creative, environmental, career based, focused on well being or personal relationships there is likely a sense rising that is pushing us towards wanting or having to do 'it" differently.
The Grand Trine literally invites us to learn to swim without the water wings of the past. Luckily this won't bring too many near drownings as a Trine is essentially a time of smooth flow.

Yes, it's all a little scary. At best most of us don't feel like we have all the information yet and it can feel unsafe and rather remiss, like investing in new Stocks based on hearsay. It can feel like we are tossing the baby out with the bath water or leaping out of a plane without a chute.
Our deeply embedded beliefs around safety are being challenged at every level and our "common" sense keeps kicking in. Yes, it's called common sense because all it is is a common collective bundle of thoughts that have been given the largely undeserving honour of being called reality simply because they are thoughts that have been thought for a very long time.
In truth reality really is in our own hands, our own thoughts and our own minds. It's a fictitious situation that can turn on a dime, even more so now that the previous grids have been loosened by a growing collective that is choosing (being forced you mean!) to do life differently.
So how do we begin to plot a course, find a foot hold and sift chaff from wheat on this next step of the journey?
We are now fully responsible for everything in our experience. Refrain from blame games and let go of the last vestiges of a vibration of victimhood. Nothing happens without our permission. Walk away from dualistic thinking. Release all stories that do not hold you as sovereign. Start seeing the difficulties and frustrations in your personal experiences as gifts of contrast that have illuminated your pathway back to your home, to your Self.
The dark is as loving as the light .There are no good photos without some element of contrast. It does not contract our experience of this physical existence, it is a catalyst that propels us towards further expansion and expansion is what we are here to do- ask any physicist.
We are not here to cull and curb desire. From two mere cells we begin life via expansion. It is in our blueprint that we MUST expand. Desire is the catalyst to that expansion. We have merely bought into, hook line and sinker, a legacy mesmerised by a mindset that tried to, largely from fear and ego, keep us from growing into our Cell-ves.
The watery Grand Trine that sits on our horizon will draw us into our emotions. It can be a very sensitive time, a time where we are are literally asked to lose our minds and fully occupy Heart. It can be a time where we will feel our way through the coming weeks rather than think. Each moment will be asked to be lived by constantly re-calibrating according to the feeling at hand without judgement. We are being encouraged to really let go of outcomes and become aligned with process alone. Linear thinking is old hat, there are no beginnings and no true endings.
Our actions are being encouraged to be movement that grows from faith, from intuition, from a place of knowing and trusting. The fastest way to get to the place you want to get to is by expressing our feelings and then letting them go. No more analysing or needing to get to the root of everything. This way we connect to something much greater and magnificent than the usual trials and tribulations of our former personalities. The sense of self empowerment that is born from this is far greater than anything we have ever dared to experience before.
Acknowledge the sharks and swim on.
Use this Trine time to align with the idea first before you take action. Know that desires manifest when we hold focus on the joy inherent in the idea rather than on just on the outcome. Learn to be like water; to morph and flow around obstacles in your way but also 'know" you can and will carve out channels and move mountains if need be.
Water's power lies in its mutability, in its a-quiesence, in its changeability and fluidity. It's a time when if we consciously release and lose our conditioned fears, dare to jettison common or 'sensible" thinking we will open doors to ease, fulfilment and change.
Change your mind and you change everything.
"The watery Grand Trine that sits on our horizon will draw us into our emotions. It can be a very sensitive time, a time where we are are literally asked to lose our minds and fully occupy Heart. It can be a time where we will feel our way through the coming weeks rather than think. Each moment will be asked to be lived by constantly re-calibrating according to the feeling at hand without judgement. We are being encouraged to really let go of outcomes and become aligned with process alone. Linear thinking is old hat, there are no beginnings and no true ending"
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to start swimming, already feel like I'm wading through life more relentlessly than I have in a while, more reckless abandon in my stride.
"Acknowledge the sharks and swim on"
So true and heartfelt. What a splendid read NC. Thank you, for being.
Many thanks - all the chords rang true. The current disharmony is starting to make sense. IY.