Thursday, 27 June 2013

Move Over Tolle!

Just for fun. "Channeled" (with tongue firmly fixed in cheek) by the Divine Feminine.

Want to lose your Ego? Ascend? Grow your Spirit?

No need to read Ekhart Tolle, sign up for yoga, join an ashram, study Vedanta or follow a guru. 

Become a full time stay at home mother. 

The Self gets put in its place automatically.

You clean up a lot of crap "inside" and out.

Go to places you have never been (and don't really want to).

You spend all night up "awake".

You hook out of the 'external" forever (you don't know what a CV means anymore, in fact in this paradigm of 'experience" yours would pretty much be empty).

There is no danger of applause, accolade, being hypnotized by money, fat salaries or potential promotions.

Most of the time you have to just BE because you are too tired or otherwise occupied to engage in any dreams of DOING!

You have to find creative ways to find your freedom, usually this means realizing its a state of mind.

The only way to improve your Self Esteem is by acceptance; acceptance of who you are as you ARE (usually in a slight state of disrepair and/or despair), and acceptance that this is doesn't get better than this even if 'this' isn't what you expected or desired.
You find inner peace/make peace with what Is.

Most importantly you have to ditch the idea of good and bad, wrong and right; duality.
Being a full time mum will toss all idealism out of the window. 

It's likely that holding on to be-lie-fs you were brought up with won't work any more because for the sake of Unity and peace you'll have to learn to go with the flow and lose judgment forever.

See?  Now you are "there" full of "unconditional LOVE!"

To top it off you really get used to acknowledging and accepting that life just IS as it IS!

Are we there yet? 

Always and never. 

There you have it 101 of Spiritual Mastery.

Ego dissolved (lying dismantled in some random cobwebby corner along with the dog hair and un-paired socks).

"Ascended" in one fell swoop (well maybe a few decades) and.. The Spirit has grown.....up! (Yours and Thiers).

Move over Tolle.......

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