November 17 heralds a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus. This Full Moon signifies the closure of an intense few weeks that started at the beginning of November with what could be called the 'eclipse sandwich'; a period where we had a powerful solar eclipse followed post haste by a lunar one.

Personally I'd advise you to embark because even if you think this has been or is a hard ride and you are oh so tired of it all, to resist, I'm told, will mean a harder one in the long run.
The current planetary positions with the Moon in tenacious Taurus, the Sun still of course in transformative Scorpio, Venus conjunct Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) in Capricorn (time, resources, structure), Uranus (the game changer) is Squaring Venus (values, finances, relationships, love). Mercury is also conjunct the North Node of the Moon in Scorpio messengering up with lightening speed all those niggling dregs from your deep dark depths. It feels like there is no escape hatch.
Pluto calls us to stop being surface dwellers and take a plunge for it is there that the last bit of the map lies. Waterboat Men haven't a chance. Pluto is going to grab you and pull you under anyways so let (E)go (Scorpio) and surrender to the process of digging for those final hidden habits and tendencies that are holding you back from the treasure you really want to be.
The alchemy of Pluto, Venus, Scorpio and Taurus has the potential to bring up the biggest fear we have of all; the fear of death.
Plutonian/Scorpio energy is about death and transformation for they are one and the same. The current cosmic catalysts are all about a metaphorical kind of death; they are about letting go of controls, both personal and societal. They herald a time when like the change from caterpillar to butterfly we literally have the chance to create a new DNA; a truly upscaled model of our Self in any area we may wish to modify.
The fear we have around death is not so much the actual demise of the physical body its more the fear as to whether in this life you have lived up to your full potential.
"Have I done what I came to do? Have I created what I want to create? Have I committed to the right thing/person/career? Have I navigated well this world practically but also have I brought into my experience my true uniqueness, my true divinity? Have I fulfilled my purpose? Am I enough of me? "
These fears or questions are also heightened by a growing sense that there isn't enough time. With both Pluto and Venus in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn (the father of time) it isn't surprising that this sense of not having enough time to fulfil one's purpose is exaggerated.
Time does feel incredibly compressed and with Uranus in the mix there is a propensity to want to keep on the go- go-go but something is reigning us back. You guessed it, it's Pluto (again). He is the slowest planet of all. By the time Pluto has done one orbit of the Sun the gas giant Uranus has already done three laps so you can see why perhaps you feel at times that there just isn't enough time or that things are just not getting done.
Time is essentially a human creation that has served and upheld the outgoing 3D paradigm of living. So as we move into a different dimensional experience, the usefulness of a structure that impinges on our freedom is bound to start to feel restrictive. Being tired or feeling like you are time poor is merely a way of making us stop and listen; a way of realising that we need to re-calibrate or re-direct our energy.
As you allow yourself to think out of the box regarding time you will likely find a flow or even a flood of ease descend upon you with regard to the growing desire to fulfil true purpose. That camouflaged fear of death, which is also rooted in a linear and limited approach to life will begin to fade and the ability to live in that much bandied around phrase of 'living in the now' becomes easier. As this happens the reins miraculously seem to soften and loosen, allowing us to ironically line up with our secretly coveted truth with accelerated speed.
If you look around the world, the 'control' system is falling apart or at best under great scrutiny. The rules we have lived with thus far are by and large not sustainable in the same way anymore,( if they ever really were?) This goes for us on a personal level too. The ideology, the processes, the commitments and 'common sense' is morphing rapidly.
To buck against this current creates resistance and potential discomfort. We are being offered opportunity to come in complete alignment with our wholeness; to operate from our own core rather than from cues given by the external. It's like driving with no headlights or ditching the GPS for a star chart but it is now the new improved way of doing life.
Venus brings with her a need to reconsider values. She pushes us to ask what our values really are outside and away from the ones that we have bought into or been pummelled by throughout history. She'll inspire you to consider how you would interface with your self worth outside of the 'value" system society has set up for you so far. What do you really think of money? What are your real financial needs? What kind of relationships do you really want? Are you really and fully in true authentic relationship with yourself or are you still a dilute version of your latent desire?
It may feel like all partnerships, marriages, friendships and even family relations are becoming more fragile. Irritation, anger, resentment and a general patina of dissatisfaction may be colouring your world at the moment. All distant rumblings or downright discontent in relationships are merely about the relationship you are in with yourself.
The initial reaction may be one of wanting to toss the whole lot of them overboard (very tempting I know!), to end things no matter what; that wish for a clean slate feeling. For some this might be the appropriate thing to do but what the Pluto/Scorpio energy is essentially asking us to do is to get all forensic and acquire clarity before taking action because 9 times out of 10 the issues at hand will be examples of transference.
Any elements in a relationship that no longer serve the ideology of self love being the pathway to liberty and indeed to increased compassion for greater humanity, are examples of situations that keep us trapped in an old pattern that is wearing thin in its efficacy and production of joy. These are being called up for release now not later.
Its valuable to build (Taurus) an awareness (Scorpio) around how you spend your time (Capricorn) and energy (Uranus).
Just as we may have or had strategies of how you choose to spend or save our money so that we ensure a modicum of safety and security, we also now need to consider with the same level of importance how we will choose to spend our emotional, physical and spiritual energy. Do we want to follow the crowd or society or do we wish to listen to our own inner voice just that wee bit more?
All excess emotional baggage needs to be dropped off at left luggage because the last call for the flight to personal freedom and self actualisation in line with our own personal truth is banging on over the tanoid system.
The Full Moon is doing its job of illuminating the unconscious and its planetary accomplices are prodding us to let go of any habits, conscious or unconscious that could keep us in emotional, social or soul bondage.
Nature always bring balance. The paramedics are always, if not overtly, right there on standby ready to support these deep dives. The Taurus Full Moon whilst illuminating is also nurturing. Taurus is the sign of practicality, tenaciousness and building. In this case she supports our endeavour to build trust, in ourselves and in the apparently crumbling world that we are, even in small ways, leaving behind.
The energy of Taurus allows us to easily put new roots down. The ashes left from our Pluto back burning not only reveal the phoenix within but also fertilise and nourish the soil that we now choose to seed.
A little Full Moon gazing or absorbing will make you feel safer despite what you are being en-courage-d to leave behind.
Like the ancient Egyptian goddess Taweret- protector of new life, who came in the form of a hippopotamus, the Taurus Full Moon will take care of you in all the possible chaos. So wallow in the mud and moonlight if you can!